Depression And Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are among the most common mood disorders, according to the International Consulting Center’s Dr. Stella Brizuela-Moreno - who works with clients in-person and online in Washington DC and online in Virginia.  As a solo condition or in combination, depression and anxiety may impact one's thoughts, emotions, and physical health.

What is Depression?

Depression refers to a mood/mental health condition marked by persistent feelings of sadness and a noticeable reduction in your interest or enjoyment in previously enjoyable activities.

Depression has no solitary cause and countless triggers. It could begin with –

    • A traumatic event.
    • Biological changes – including pregnancy and menopause.
    • Substance abuse.
    • A family or genetic history.
    • A life loss - including loneliness, job loss, and grief.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety refers to an innate physical or emotional response or a developed coping mechanism that can facilitate your ability to adapt to danger. When manifesting appropriately, anxiety is considered both normal and beneficial for dangerous situations.

Anxiety becomes problematic when it is chronic, or it shows up at a time when there is no perceived danger or remains chronic after the danger has subsided.

Anxiety is often categorized as follows–

    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder involves an excessive concern about various aspects of daily life, like family, health, work, relationships, and more.
    • Social Anxiety Disorder manifests as avoidance of social circumstances because of fear of being embarrassed.
    • Phobias encompass potent and specific fears of various situations or objects like flying, enclosed spaces, etc.  
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder includes chronic, undesirable thoughts (i.e., obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (i.e., compulsions). OCD initially serves as a coping mechanism to alleviate anxiety.
    • Panic Attacks involve sudden, intense episodes of fear or discomfort characterized by symptoms like sweating and a racing heart.
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the consequence of a traumatic event.  PTSD includes symptoms like nightmares, flashbacks, and intense anxiety.

Treating Depression and Anxiety

Fortunately, effective stress-management techniques, psycho-educational sessions, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic approaches are available for those who have the motivation to learn essential personal skills to overcome the negative impact of anxiety and stress.

Call for a Consultation Today

Anxiety disorders are complex and can be impacted by various factors -genetic, psychological, biological, environmental, etc. For more information about our in-office or telehealth counseling options in Washington DC and Virginia, contact Dr. Brizuela-Moreno at the International Consulting Center at 202-787-3843 or online.

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